Saturday, October 23, 2010

When It Rains.....

Well As the Shankster was napping as he is still extremely sick from Bronchitis and waiting on me hand and foot is really tiring him out, I kept hearing something but since I cannot walk two steps without help and sounding like an elephant tramping through the house, I had to assume it was nothing. Finally after an hour, I decided to try and get up make my way to the little girls room. It seemed as the sounds I had heard were closer so I looked out the window.

It seems the tree guy who was gave us the estimate 2 months ago and was supposed to be here in 3 weeks, decided today was the day he decided to be here. News to us since we got a phone call a few weeks back saying he wouldn't be here til the 3rd week in November.

What does it matter you ask? Well he is stuck. Trying to come up the short hill, his large tree trimming truck got stuck in the ditch and he has been out there for an hour. We have a couple of Large tow trucks in our yard along with a couple of regular pick ups and a few sight seer's. (Yes Sight seer's, everyone likes to get in our business here, I am sure they are trying to find Homie as I sit here to tell him what is going on here) :) I hate this stinkin town.

After about another half an hour one tow truck got him out. They are finally gone. He is trying to get up the hill again and I have to call to the Shankster as I hear his truck sounding like he is stuck again. And he is. My worry is as he is trying to get that large thing up our hill he will inadvertently get it stuck in the ditch from behind. Geez. Holy Crap as I sit here it sounds as if he is coming up the long hill now and stuck there.......OMG.

My biggest problem with this all is I cannot get up and stand to watch.......hahahahha yes I am a nosey - body - sight - seer as well..........but hey I live here.


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