Thursday, February 03, 2011

Where's Waldo?

Day 3 of the after math of the Ice/Snow Storm. The Shankster has now fell twice. He swears he didn't hit his head either time.

But I ask you.....................What do you think?


Blogger Lady DR said...

Oh, hon, you're not having any fun at all, I can see. Having lived through thirty years of Midwest winters, you have my sympathy and empathy, as well as warm thoughts that the temps will rise and help make the mess go away. Also hope the Shankster is okay and all of you stay safe, warm and upright.

Hugs -

2/04/2011 6:41 PM  
Blogger dona said...

Thanks DR! The Shankster is recovering as best as he can. Trouble is he went out today and fell again! Some melted today, but not enough on this hill. We hope to get out soon to clear the mess & see the damage.

2/04/2011 6:46 PM  

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