Tuesday, July 20, 2010

When Lightning Strikes....

Get out of the way.

This is what the Shankster learned yesterday. Actually he learned to listen to his instincts.
A Storm was coming. I was in pain from the doctor visit so was laying in bed but the Shankster kindly made sure I had everything I needed and said he was going to sit on the porch and watch for the storm. I bet he wasn't out there five minutes when I heard the door shut. He walked to where I was and told me something had just told him to come back inside. At that moment, the worst sounding lightning strike I ever heard, struck. I jumped, and said we need to look out back as it sounded like it hit something close. I looked over at dad who looked like he had just seen a ghost, and he said the Shankster had gotten out of the way just in time, and we went to the front porch.

The Ash tree in front of the porch where he was sitting was the one that got hit. It looked like all the bark shredded into a million pieces and splattered all over the front porch and hitting the front of the house. It is all over the front lawn and some of the bigger pieces even went to the side of the h
ouse. Several pieces lay on and around the rocker where the Shankster was sitting.

Thank the Good Lord, as He was watching over the Shankster, as he would have surely been hit in the eye or even worse maybe hit by the lightning itself also as he was sitting just 10 feet or less from the tree and right in the path of the shrapnel (as we are calling it, as it looks like a bunch of shrapnel) These are the pieces I swept up on around the rocker.

This piece was so hard to get out of the window it embedded itself in there as it struck the window.

The Ash Tree will never be the same, neither will the Shankster, he literally got outta there by a hair on his chinny chin....Ash.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my, God is good sending the angels to talk to my little bro.

8/15/2010 7:06 PM  

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