Thursday, March 01, 2007

Knee Knockers

Took a drive by myself today for the first time since my knee surgeries. Have to say it wasn't so bad. I was nervous a month or so back when I just moved the car and when putting on the brake I really felt a bad twinge in the knee and so have put off the driving until today. Its funny how the older I get the more nervous I get about certain things. Seems like only yesterday I would not have given it a second thought and just got into the car the minute I could walk. Weird.
But anyhow, today I felt the need for some home made cole slaw and was missing the cabbage, so I just decided to try it out for myself. Dad had brought a friend of his over, to try to help him fix the water heater, as it is still blowing fuses and every other day there is no hot water(yet a whole other post) and his truck was blocking the short driveway, but I backed up far enough to drive down the long way...little did I know the ice was still on the drive about halfway down and the ice and wind had blown down so many of the pine tree branches and they were laying everywhere on the driveway, and I felt a bit like I was driving into purgatory cove. (You know Purgatory Cove...from "On Golden Pond"?) Ok so maybe a bad analogy, Maybe I should compare to the icebergs in Titanic? I mean we are talking some big butt ice layers down there on the driveway...Anyhoo, I was weaving in and out to miss the branches and BOOM there it was..ICE about 10 inches thick, and all across the driveway and into the yard on both sides..(yeah 10 inches..that's my story and I am sticking to it!) now at about 100 feet from the road and from what I could see the ice was from this point to the road and I was sliding all over the place...I got so nervous as I didn't have my foot on brake or gas pedal and usually you have to stop or the people on the road plow you down...Now I have been driving on this driveway since I was 16 and at 51 I do believe I could drive up or down this driveway blindfolded, but now without stopping before I drove into the road? I don't think so!!! Not as fast as these nuts drive down this road...but as I looked to the left there was a Jeep speeding down the hill and I was sure if I didn't slide on over into the ditch which is where I was heading without trying to, I was bound to hit him....luckily, as usual he was speeding fast enough that I missed him and lucky for me there was nobody behind him or coming the other way, as I could not stop and just managed to keep my car steady straight and out of the ditch and right out into the road.... WHEW! I made it, but immediately called Frank up on the cell, and told him I was staying gone til the guy left so I could come up the short drive! There was no way I was even going to try going up that icy path.

I got to the grocery and back just fine. No incidents. My knees did not give out and I didn't have to brake suddenly harming my knees... I did ok, if I do say so myself.

Oh and did I say I bought a really scrumptious Entenmann's Cinnamon Danish Twist at the grocery?

Well I did.


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