Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Did I Already Say We Have Snow?

Well we do and about a foot of it!


I love the snow and this much or even more is what I live for! Don't know why, can't do much out in it anymore cause of the stinkin knees, but still love it!

The Shankster and Homie took turns shoveling. After about 4 hours the nice man from last year showed up to do the drive for twenty bucks. The Shankster being respectful asked Homie first and Homie said NO. What? NO? waddaya mean no? why come? was only twenty bucks? Hey if we would have had it in our pockets just then I would have just told them to do it anyways! But of course we didn't prepare ourselves for this snow so we didn't have it. And you know those guys sure won't take a credit card! Sheesh! :)

So the Shankster and I decided since we didn't prepare and were out of a few essentials we would jaunt out and see if we could make it. Yeah we are gluten's for punishment. When I saw the drive as we left, how narrow Homie shoveled it, I knew we were in for it upon the return. And of course the bottom drive was overcome with about 30 inches of snow due to the snow plow for the road earlier. So we were really in for it upon our return. But I tried not to think on it. We made it to the grocery just fine. All the main roads were actually pretty clear, considering 12 inches of snow.......I mean 12 inches! wow...I think like to just keep saying it. :) Where was I? Oh yeah, groceries. You know we had to get the things we couldn't live without for a few days at the local grocery to keep us so we didn't have to try a road trip to Walmart in these conditions.
Geez you were thinking I was talking about 24 inches wouldn't you?

Anyhow, we were on the way back and upon the turn in of the drive I thought WOW we just might make it.......Oops....thought tooo soon. We were stuck, couldn't get up....couldn't get down. Then we were sticking out in the road and on a hill that is slick with snow and ice...not good....The Shankster immediately after we started sliding into the ravine yells for me to exit the car and he tells me to run up the hill.

(ok a little info here on running. I can't do it. Not that I do not know how. I just can't run. Since the knee surgery, which I still do NOT regret, I cannot run. I have tried but can't.)

So I moved as quick as possible up the hill..on the road, not the drive, which is what I thought the Shankster meant...I thought I was to detour or stop traffic from coming over the hill and slamming into him. No problem, I can do that, I could have done it.....but that was not what he meant! Oops! He said UP the DRIVE WAY HILL NOW! OK so up I started to go....slipping and sliding as it is gravel with snow, then ice, then snow and a lot of it. ( you know 12 inches) I could not get on the yard part as there was about 18 inches of snow there (due to the shoveling) and I put one foot in and lost my footing and so I managed to get back out on the driveway and kept trying to hurry. Hurry for me is an almost brisk walk. On dry pavement that is. ON this, Hurry meant a fat girl in tennis shoes with bad knees trying to grab on the snow for help all the while wobbling from side to side trying to dig my shoes in somewhere for some traction...frantically. Why was I hurrying? Cause as soon as I started up the driveway the Shankster started trying to get up also. I was puzzled...wasn't I supposed to get up safely FIRST? Or was he just going to PUSH ME? I had a million things going through my mind as I kept hearing the tires spin and each time I looked over my shoulder, all I could see was the headlight on the car! WHAT the Heck?

I Finally managed to get up and could not believe what had just happened, he was right behind me.
What was going on in his mind I thought? Why didn't he wait for me to get up first before gunning it? Has he finally lost his mind?

The Shankster's explanation was this. I am such a goofy girl he was sure I was being just that.......goofy! He thought I was trying to make a bad situation funny like I always do by acting silly wobbling up the hill slowly!

Oh..Yeah....that's what I was doing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


1/29/2009 11:10 PM  
Blogger dona said...

No, he was not mad....he was, as usual, looking out for my safety by telling me to get out of the car as it was half out in the road right at the bottom of a hill..somebody coming over that hill would have smacked into us..and I was on that side. He just wanted me to get up the hill in the yard out of harms way. He also thought I was being silly how I was getting up the hill as I will do anything for a laugh.

1/30/2009 3:47 PM  
Blogger Kim said... have such a way of telling a story! You crack me up! And now the snow is gone and we are dealing with flooding...aren't we lucky!

2/11/2009 11:07 PM  

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