Wednesday, August 12, 2009

No Power & Some Cool Facts

Didn't even know it was to rain....let alone storm so much to lose power in a matter of seconds before the storm even hit. Six long hours without power. Ok so I can get along without the internet for 6 hours....who knew? And I don't need to watch TV for 6 hours.....(we won't talk about it) And you can even get by with 2 candles and one flashlight. Guess I need to unpack all my things more than I realized. I think I have bought 6 flashlights since being here...and I know I have some packed..somewhere. I know I have candles too. Two candles sucked. Dad was snacking watching TV when it happened. He just finished the snacks and laid back in his seat and went to snoring......until midnite when I guess he decided he would get up and go to bed and snore some more. Elvis couldn't figure out why we weren't using the fans. The Shankster was having an anxiety attack more than usual along with an asthma attack, it was so hard to breathe in the hot house with no air circulating. So we decided to open all the windows we could to get some air, didn't help much. We then remembered the ipod had some games on it to play. I opted for the Cool Facts so to keep talking. I usually can't shut up, but in the dark it is kind of weird to know what exactly to say. So we had a nice evening even with the power out. Here is a few things we learned from the Fact File..................

Tipping in Iceland at a restaurant is considered an insult. (we want to go live there)
It is illegal NOT to smile in Pocatello, Idaho. (we could live there too)
Apple seeds are poisonous.
A broken clock is always right, twice a day.
Colgate's first toothpaste came in a jar.
The average housewife walks 10 miles a day around the house doing chores. (Guess I am not average as I should have lost weight by now)
George W. Bush and Hugh Hefner are cousins.
A woodpecker can peck twenty times a second.
It is illegal to be a prostitute in Siena, Italy, if your name is Mary.
In Kentucky, It's illegal to fish in the Ohio River in Kentucky without a Indiana Fishing License.
In Kentucky it is illegal to carry Ice-cream in your back pocket.


(I guess these things are some reasons why I don't live in Kentucky.)


Blogger Kim said...

Hmm...that's some crazy stuff! You should check out the App is a RIOT to read!!!

8/13/2009 12:22 PM  

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