Friday, January 15, 2016

Cobbler or Dump Cake?

Today I ran across an easy recipe for Peach Cobbler, for the Slow Cooker.  I am all about fixing things in the slow cooker so with just 3 ingredients that I actually had in my cabinet I thought this to be a no brainer!

 Below is the link to the recipe I saw online and decided to use.

For some reason I always look at others comments to see if others liked it or not, maybe to see if there is another tip or trick someone used and found it worked better and such, But what I found was totally opposite, there were a few that said it was delicious, but most didn't think it was even Peach Cobbler, there was actually some really nasty complaints that were there.  Most said it was just Dump Cake.

I honestly don't know, but really don't care, its just a dessert and I am going to call it Crockpot Peach Cobbler...cause Dump Cake just sounds awful to me. :)

But I will add some tips.

#1.  Do not use Canned Peaches.
The recipe Clearly calls for Pie Filling Peaches 2~21 ounce cans.
Just because the peaches you have in the cabinet are in cans does not mean they are Pie Filling Peaches unless they say it on the can. And the recipe calling for 21 ounce cans is not a typo like you think, just because the cans you have in the cabinet are 29 ounces.  They are 29 ounces because they are different.
#2.  If you do decide to think you are right and the recipe had a typo, and go ahead and use Canned Peaches, But please drain at least one me.
#3.  If you want crispy browned Cobbler, don't use this recipe at all.  Use your oven.
#4.  If you do use this recipe, you can use 2~29 ounce canned peaches, without draining.  You can also cook for the time it calls for but will still have to put in oven to finish. Probably because of all the extra liquid in the Canned Peaches.

Overall this was good.  Even with all my mistakes.  My take is Pay Attention to your recipe...something I don't always do. Oh and be sure to get lots of ice cream for topping....I kind of made a mess of this...My mom made the best Peach Cobbler, and I cannot re~create it at all since she has been gone.  I have a recipe in her writing, but it never comes out the same, maybe she forgot to mention something or I am just missing her with it. Or maybe, just maybe, I am not reading the recipe correctly?



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