Saturday, March 17, 2007

Porsche 944..may she rest in peace.......

Back in the late 60's early 70's for some reason I don't recall now, I decided a Porsche would be the car for me.

I mean I always had thought it would be real fun to be able to come up behind a Cadillac and just go breezing by at about 140 mph, all the while smiling with your hair blowing in the wind. I had heard that if you got it just right, nothing would handle more sweetly than a 944. And that you could get just as much out of a Porsche at 25 mph as you could at 125mph. The body detail I thought, was just simply magnificent.
Although, even then the price was too much (for me anyway) and I knew I would probably never get to where I would be able to afford one, I still made it my "have to" my dreams.....

Sometime after Frank and I were together for some time we went car hunting. That was a weekend thing to do for us, a kind of entertainment if you will. But at one point we decided to purchase one and we came upon a Porsche 944 and, at a price within our reach, almost purchased it as we fell in love with it instantly. I don't remember if Frank had always wanted one too or not but fell in love when we stumbled on this really nice 944.
We ultimately decided not to purchase the car as it was either just a two seater or the back seats were too small and between us we had 3 small kids at that time and thought it was really not the thing to do so we walked away from a sweet deal and something we both dreamed of for many years after the fact.

Today, 20 some odd years later, we were driving on the highway and came upon a car and both of us at the same time said " that a....YEAH ITS A 944!!!!!!!!!! SWEEEEEET!" We got all excited as we honestly have not seen one since the one we almost bought and there it was right beside us and we were passing our TOYOTA.....and we passed it, and both of us just sort of made a face at each other and said...we really liked that? What the heck? Ye ch.
It was a good laugh as we didn't really like the one we saw and Frank thought it might have been because of the color (light faded blue) and a bit rusty and so I said, "Yeah the one we wanted was GOLD with Black, a really much neater color and all"...and Frank said, "No, wasn't it Midnight Green, with stripes?"

Then came an odd moment of silence.

After a few minutes we both pondered on the idea that it was maybe just a dream we both had so many years ago as neither of us could agree on the actual color of the so beautiful Porsche 944 we found at such a good price we have talked about and told so many people over the years that we almost purchased.

It really sucks getting old.


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