Wednesday, June 01, 2011

More Rounds of Surgery

Actually Round#2 of surgery came and went. All things well, which was what we were hoping for. Happy that the procedures/tests/labs are all done for that problem for a while at the least. But now we are looking at surgery #3 which was scheduled for this Friday. But Heart doc didn't clear now we have to wait. Who knew that surgery was hard on the heart? Go figure? Hopefully this surgery was to cure what was ailing the poor Shankster, and he would only need to recover for a while and be completely well. Being that "WELL" is in the sense that Whatever WELL is for the Shankster at the moment. (I tried but still it sounds silly) He still needs some "fixing" on other parts but we will get to that on another post, as this is for what is going on for now.

We have to go see Heart Doc to check him out to see if he is ok for another surgery. If so they are tentatively scheduling it for the 20th. So we will see.
In the meantime he is still working on the tongue. By "working", I mean still eating soft foods, he has graduated from the pudding and jello, to other more substantial eats. (more mashed potatoes with gravy with occasional pintos n cheese from Taco Bell) /// :)

He is also working on his speech. I love it. I think he has overcome such great pain and I am very proud of him. Not just pain, but certainly mental stress trying to deal with not one but 2 different ailments at the same time that could have turned into a whole lot more than anyone needs to deal with. Luckily and by the Grace of God, he was spared, and I think he is doing great in that regard.

Even though his speech is pretty good, he sometimes has a time saying certain things, and gets very tired very quickly, which makes for some pretty funny words. Like don't even ask him to say "She Sells Sea Shells by the Sea Shore".
However, I am having some great fun with him, and he is ok with it. We found out years ago that if we were to survive at all in this sometimes cruel world, we needed to have laughter. So I have had my fair share of that in recent weeks, listening to the Shankster speak, and joking around with him. All I can say is that he sounds like Paul Reubens in a movie called Mystery Men. Its one of those movies that you either love or hate. We both loved it, and have watched it so often we know the lines pretty much word for word. So I get him to repeat some of the lines every now and again when I see him get depressed or down, and we have a good laugh.

So Shankie, if you are reading this......its about that time again for a speech lesson, say "Weapons Check" :)


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