Thursday, October 25, 2007

Soul Mate

This morning began as usual. I will leave it at that. But Shank left quickly, and while I was in the shower. After I got out I realized he did not take his water bottle, which was not like him. He didn't take his pills. That I didn't like. He takes them at the same time each morning and there are at least 2 that are MOST important. He also didn't have on his medical bracelet/necklace either and that bothered me more. He went for walk I was sure, as he tries to make sure he does that first thing. He is doing ok, but he has had some weakness and other issues that makes me worry about him, when he is out and alone. Now I don't profess to be someone who could save him if something were to happen while I was with him....but I still worry. Yes, me, motherworrywart. Anyhow, as I tried to call him on the walkie-talkie, I kept getting a signal that he was not available, and after a couple of more calls, I just looked up and saw his cell phone still plugged in. (duh) So that too was not like him at all. I grabbed my shoes, water bottle, cell phone and his pills and ran out the door with them untied and no underwear. (yes I had on clothes) But I did have the foresight to grab a bra and stuff into my purse. Anyhow, I thought that he needed his pills if nothing else and that was the most important thing at that moment. So I took dad's car and was hurrying down to where he walks. I no sooner got up to the second corner to turn and there He was coming towards me! And he holded up a McDonald's bag. I shook my head and we both headed back home. He was surprised I think that I would take the time to try to bring him all the things I thought he needed. He was like..."Oh you really do love me?".......DUH>>>uhhhh....YEAHH
Then I was like..."McDonalds?....for me?" He explained that even tho we neither one needed it...since we were having yet another rough start to a morning, he thought it would be nice for a McDonalds breakfast.
Seems we both were doing something for the other at the same time. Now I ask you....How cute is that?

Only thing I gotta do now, is explain to Shankie why there was a bra in my purse................... :)


Blogger SymplyAmused said...

Awww, how sweet! Umm, a bra huh? You were going to see how it worked as a slingshot right? (good excuse, I think) haha

10/27/2007 9:40 AM  
Blogger dona said...

Uhhhh...Oh YEAH! That was it! HaHa :)

10/27/2007 10:00 AM  
Blogger Kim said...

How sweet...reminds me of the Christmas story where the guy buys the brush and the girl cuts her hair to sell to buy him a present. You guys take good care of each other, for sure!

11/18/2007 12:33 PM  

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