Saturday, November 11, 2006

Its getting a little too prickly for me....

Ok, so its been a while since my last post. But this is the first day for 6 days that I could actually even think about sitting up and have my legs dangling after my surgery on both of them. It hasn't been all that bad, except for the 11 hours in the hospital where I spent dry heaving before it got really ugly..stomach acid is a terrible thing...don't know if it was an allergic reaction to the anesthesia or the crappy apple juice the nurse forced me to drink an hour after surgery. Did I say she forced me to drink it? Well thats my story and I am sticking to it. I can honestly say apple juice will not drank by me anytime soon. Whew, what a nightmare that was. Yeah, Yeah.. what did I think? That I was going to go get both knees operated on and spend a lovely night in a hospital room having drinks and food brought to me being waited on hand and foot...(and knees) watching the tube, doing crossword puzzles at my leisure for 24 hours? YES I DID. A sort of mini vacation of sorts. But alas, that was not the case. I was never so glad to get out of that place and back to my own bed in all my life. Of course now after 6 days I am ready to go somewhere, I fickle? Probably.


I am doing ok however, still using a walker and thinking it will be a part of me for a few days still. I have though finally got to where I can leave it outside of the restroom...that was another nightmare....How do they expect you to take that big thing with you and then actually do your thing and not fall in while trying to sit or get up? They told me to store it after my using it as I may need it in the future...GEEZ I hope NOT. This contraption is difficult to maneuver when your legs are not cooperating, let alone trying to just get from one room to another, do they really think it works good on carpet? And whats the deal with trying to turn corners with that thing? Geez they told me not to get rid of it..they told me when I could take off the bandages, when to bathe, when to take the pills, what to take and not to take gave me all sorts of instructions on exercises.........but nobody said how to work this dude around corners. I tried yesterday to walk outside as I was getting cabin fever, but don't even get me started on using it on gravel! Man, where's my hoveround?

Oh well, I am sure I am getting better, my complaining is right on track.
Exercises are doing good, my knees are bending without too much discomfort and the swelling is going down.

I will just be happy when I can bend enough to shave my legs!


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