Thursday, December 14, 2006

A Heart of Gold

Today was a good day! Usually anytime we have to go to the doctor, not such a great day, but that didn't happen today. Not only did I have to go to the family doctor but Frank did too and then after that he had an appointment with the heart doctor. After his heart attack and stent placement in February of this year he had more than his share of "ups and downs". I was beginning to think he would never be "normal" again. But after many adjustments to the new medications he has had to start, and after about 6 months he finally started feeling good. And by good I mean, he finally wasn't having to sleep most all day then feeling tired that he had slept so much, he wasn't getting nauseated several times a day, his blood pressure wasn't going too far up or down, he was able to do just about anything without getting exhausted or winded, he was able to get out and walk more than half of what he was used to walking, and he (and most important) was not having chest or left arm pains. The adjustments to all the medications was the most difficult part. When you go from taking just one pill a day to taking 10 a day...that is an adjustment in itself. But then just after a few days he had a second attack and the medication was changed, more was added and we had to start all over again. His pressure would not stay down so he was on Imdur which has nitro in it and it keeps his pressure down, but the side effects were awful. When you take nitro you get an immediate headache. Now for someone who never has headaches, well headaches are just not a good thing anytime. So with this medication he would get a headache that stayed until almost time for the next pill. What was worse he got bronchitis and well just try to cough like you do with bronchitis with a humongous headache. NO FUN. We honestly were afraid he would cough his stent out! Actually, we went back to the ER 3 different times but the last time was not an attack but just a warning. (ok so just a warning...still enough to scare the poop outta ya) We felt a little stupid after we were told this and so I just can you tell if it is just a "warning" and not an attack? Much to our surprise the answer was you can't usually until you come in and get checked out. So that was our plan when we left that time, to just come in anytime and get checked out if he had any of the symptoms he had before and the nitro didn't help. Oh or call 911. Would he ever get away from wearing the nitro patches, finally get to quit taking the Imdur and having to indure those awful headaches just to get his pressure low, get to stop having to take the nuclear stress tests(3 inside 2 months was too much) ever?

Anyhow, the depression that comes along with this is another thing and I just thank God that he has dealt with it all, the way that he has. But then after 9 months a lot of the pains came back and so has some of the anxiety. I mean how can there not be anxiety? Gee I think I have it now and I didn't have the attack. But lately he has had a lousy few weeks and I am sure dealing with me during my recent operations hasn't helped him any. His blood pressure dropped suddenly and he almost passed out on me during a shopping trip this past Monday. I was beginning to be afraid he was not going to make it to the doctors visit today. So was he. But I have to say we made it and got a Great report. Seems he was taking a pill that he should have been off of a few months prior and that is what has caused his pressure to go too low in recent weeks. He is now off of that one. Yahooo! His pains were nothing to be worried about as they are no longer than 1 minute in length and are probably muscular. And if that weren't just good enough news, his lungs were clear of fluid, his heart sounded great, no irregular beats or skipped beats..just a nice clear smooth beat, and his pressure was great too. He doesn't have to go see the Heart doc for 8 months! 8 months! A whole 8 months! Wow was that nice to hear or what? It has sure been a long 10 months, and we are both looking forward to this all being behind us. You don't think it is going to happen to you and then LOOK OUT there it is, right in your face. I mean we have had to deal with lots with our children, we both have had to deal with death in the family, and most recently caring for my mother for 10 months after she was diagnosed with a brain tumor after 30 years of cancer. That was difficult. But we did not expect a heart attack in our 50's. We didn't know what to expect after it either. We were told by different people that he would be just great now, almost like he was 30 years younger. After hearing that, we expected it. But that didn't happen....yet. Its been a long road to recovery. When you have a stent placed, you have to train yourself again to get the strength back in your chest and arms. It doesn't come easy. And even after 10 months today the heart doc said...Frank take it day at a time.......slow........and then work your way up. Listen to your body..if its tired, rest and try again. It doesn't happen overnight. We know this to be true.

I have known from day one of meeting him that he has a good heart....I call it a Heart of Gold, he is kind, loving and giving. He will give you the shirt off his back and I have seen him do just that. He will give until he has no more to give but love and then scrape by until he has more and then do it all over again. I have never, even in my own family, met such a good hearted, caring , giving, individual. So I do believe that a good heart can be a healthly heart...................and I believe he has one now thanks to God and the good Dr. Paul.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


12/22/2006 2:10 PM  

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