Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Just Another Day

I managed another trip through Walmart via wheelchair/shopcart. I think Frank actually is getting a kick now, out of speeding me through the isles. He knows how hard it is for me to not be able to get out and do the things myself so he has been willing to drag me through all the places I do my shopping with no problem. What a drag it is not to be able to walk more than5 minutes. I have to say I am so thankful that I have never had this as a problem. And I am hoping that my surgeries will have done what they are supposed to do and in no time I will be back to "normal" or even better. The trip today wasn't as bad as before. Most in part due to Frank. He did his best to make it "fun". And I have to say it worked. The last two times I tried the wheelchair/shopping thing, it did not work all too well, and I had a terrible day yesterday, so he was not going to let today be anything but a Fun time. I guess we acted like a couple of kids today but I don't care. He pushed me fast through the isles and sometimes even let go of the handles and let me coast down the isle. I caught a glimpse of a couple of younger women giving me a look, but I tried not to dwell on it. Its funny how when you are doing your regular shopping you don't realize how the people in the wheelchairs look. I have seen their faces better now that I am at their level and I know why most look so mean. Or I feel as though I do. Its degrading a bit to have to be lower to try to shop. Its hard to maneuver the wheelchair (whether you are driving the motorized one or are being pushed) through most of the isles. Its fine down the center or far isles but try to get into through the clothes or look up higher than 3 feet at anything and you have a definite problem. Today wasn't so bad, as Frank made it fun...he would push me fast, let me go coasting, circled me around in a circle acting like he didn't know which way to go and made me dizzy....sometimes he even acted like he forgot about me when a lot of people were around and the looks on there faces was worth it. He bebopped around people saying "excuse us, coming through or just BEEP BEEP" and the best part was when he tried to beat others to a checkout and pushed me so fast I hit the checkout counter and he told the lady to Bag me up and pack me in like sardines! I am sure she thought us both to be crazy as Frank kept cracking jokes about the sweatshirts I was buying was for him to go swimming in, and when she asked us about what we were doing for Thanksgiving, he told her we were having peanut butter and lettuce sandwiches, (which is what was in our cart)
as I wrote the check I gave into the crazyness and started crossing my eyes and acting goofy with him and she actually asked me for ID and I have never had to show my ID at Walmart!

So I am thinking that maybe we shouldn't go back to that Walmart?

Here's wishing anybody reading this a Happy Thankful Thanksgiving. I have much to be thankful for, and the best part is right here by my side through sickness and health.


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