Sunday, November 19, 2006

Road Rage?

I have finally gotten to get out of the house other than the doctor thing. I was oh so ready too. Frank decided it would be ok for me to accompany him to Sam's Club for some much needed groceries. I did not prepare for this as I should have. I honestly figured I would be up (not running) but up and able to do more at this point. Oh well, live and learn. Yeah thats something at 51...learning....Anyhow, I for my first time ever had to get a motorized wheelchair to cart myself around the store as just getting out of the car and to the door was a feat in itself. But I figured it would be an adventure of sorts. Yeah thats what it was alright...I cannot believe how rude people can be to the unfortunate who have to use wheelchairs. People are in such a hurry, and even I have in the past needed to be able to run into a store to just get what I need and get out as quickly as possible. I hope I was polite...But some people act as though you are going to get what they are there to buy and then get into line in front of them on purpose to get out before you. Like its a race? Come on, what is more important than being polite and helpful? I just don't get it. Other than just being rude. I mean I had no knowledge of how to use the chair but did my best. But people seemed to just jump out in front of me or walk at the side of me and try to "beat" me to where I was headed. Like I was being a real hindrance to their shopping experience. It was horrible. If that was all, I actually had another lady who was in one of these same chairs constantly getting in my way. Not once, or twice but three different times did this lady seem to come from nowhere and drive her chair right in front of me where I could not get around her and she each time gave me the look of disgust and would not move. I each time had to back up and wait for her. She made a point I think of not moving on purpose even after I backed up and waited. SO each time I had to reroute my chair. But that was ok..maybe she did not know how to operate her chair?

I wanted to say something each time someone got in my way or stopped abrubtly in front of me and then did not make an effort to move over to let me go by. You know it was kind of like when you are driving on the road and the jerk that is sitting on your tail thinks he can find a way to get there faster if he was in front of you even though there are 5 semi trucks back to back in front of you and all around you? You keep quiet and when possible you let him by, you don't honk or wave your arms, but wait until he can't see you and let him have it...I kept my mouth shut, but it was all too exhausting. I finally gave up and said no more...lets go home and do without! I thought about it all the way home, how the unfortunate who have to live in these chairs must feel day in and day out, when out in public and these people treat them so terribly. How humiliating it must be...thats how I felt yesterday, the stares people gave me and some of the smart remarks, not just the rudeness. I know most people are not this way, but I did not find any of those people yesterday. They must have stayed home like I usually do on a Saturday!


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