Thursday, November 30, 2006

I Can Only Imagine

Today was a rainy day yet again. But rainy days are ok, I actually like the rain and snow! Even though I still am limited to my walking/standing, we ventured off to do some errands. During the drive, I got to thinking some about, well just about everything...seems those slideshows are coming back into focus in my mind about mom, Cathy, Aunt Lissie and just about every aspect of my life. Lets start out this way, I am a Christian. I have been since my early teens. I don't know what it is NOT to attend church and not to TRY to live my life as a Christian. I have tried, I believe, to pass on those traits to my child and to those close whom I love. I have always felt the presence of God by my side. I feel he has carried me when I could not get through those troublesome times in my life. I have always felt safe and secure in most everything I have ever done. I have always felt that He will be with me and my family, and guide us all through each day. I had a weird feeling today, one of feeling "ready", something I don't know that I have ever felt. It was strange yet comforting. The clouds were thick and gray, black almost...but I looked beyond and saw beautiful white clouds. I wondered if all the trials I have been through the last few years, were the ones that would make or break me of the chance of getting to those Pearly Gates. Then I wondered, how beautiful it must be there, how white the clouds will be or will we see them there? Will we be swinging on the clouds all in white? Will there be any colors there? And will the colors be vibrant? Will there truely be joy, warmth, happiness and all the blessings you could imagine? At the Gates will the arms of The Lord be opened wide for me as I have always hoped for and expected? Will all those before me whom I have loved be there waiting for me? What must it be like?

I can only imagine.................................


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