Thursday, January 11, 2007

Hear Today...Gone Tomorrow

Not much in the way of posts lately. I feel kind of silly just writing whatever comes into my mind but then is that not what the blog is for? So here I sit beginning to get into what my day has been like. Another doctor appointment today, but for Frank this time. Whew! But still its getting to him as well as it has gotten to me. But good news as the CT Scan revealed no infection in his ears or any under lying problem. So that was good. The ringing still is there and will be from the nerve damage. Doc says that might subside when he wears the hearing aids. We will see about that when and if we ever get to being able to pay for the hearing aids. Why is it whenever there is something substanstial you have to have in the way of medical or some sort of repair, there is no money to do it? I mean if you have insurance why then is it so important to not cover the most important things most people have to have some time or another? Eyeglasses, Teeth/Dentures and Hearing Aids. I am sure there are other items most insurances don't pay for but these are the things I know for sure about for most. Or at least I have never had any coverage for any of these items and have needed 2 of the 3. (So far anyhow) So for now on the hearing aids I guess we will just have to continue our way of talking so we can understand each other, since neither one of us can hear.

But I am sure if you talked to Frank he will suggest that I can hear......I just don't listen :)


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