Friday, January 26, 2007

Paper Towels, Toilet Paper, Sweepers...OH MY!

Ok, so I am not the best person in the world I know...but I do not think I am the worst in the world either. I think I do my share of work in and around the house. In fact I believe I try to do it all ( that way I know its done to my satisfaction). But does that mean that no one can even lift a finger to do the smallest of chores.........EVER? Ok, so this is my rant and rave post. I admit I have had more to rant about, but refrained as I did not want anyone who read this to believe I was ranting about them........but, since it doesn't look as though I have any or many readers, and this is for my entertainment, I am having my moment. My dander is up, and I have just about had enough.

What is it with putting a new paper towel roll on, or a new toilet paper roll? I mean don't we all use them equally? When you use the last square is it not just
decent, to say the least, to put on another instead of leaving the bare roll there for the next unsuspecting guy? I mean I have left it on just for spite, if you will, in hopes of making someone HAVE to put on a roll. But that just doesn't seem to work in most cases. Either I have to have it on before someone else needed it or it just didn't make me feel as good as I had hoped it would. (the spite part)

Today is Friday, our trash pickup day. Not only did I have to pull out the trash, but then I had to put in new trash bags as well. For several Friday's I have actually left the trash can without a new trash bag hoping someone would make
the effort to put in a new bag before placing their trash in the can. (Spite) But NOOOOOOOOOOOOO....most days the trash is boiling over the top because I am still waiting for someone to empty it besides me. I mean I even make sure to place new bags in the bottom of the trash can so its not too difficult to find the bags just in case you don't know where to look (in the cabinet just one foot next to the trash cans), but that doesn't seem to help either. Now, if that were the only thing for the day. Last night some time after supper, the paper towel holder above the sink was getting down to the last paper towel. I purposely made sure to leave one on, (spite thing again) as I was sure it would be used before midnight and then have to be used again in the morning by someone else. As expected when I awoke there it was, staring me in the face, an empty roll on the holder. Now I knew this would happen and I had an early dentist appointment so after eyeing the roll and feeling my blood pressure rise, I simply left, without replacing the roll I might add. Yeah spite thing again. Upon my return 2 hours later, still no paper towel replacement. And of course no new trash bag was replaced into the trash can in the bathroom. Yeah, I did manage to not replace that one this morning out of spite I might add.

Ok, so in pain from the dentist, there is still some house work to be done. Sweeping is still a bit hard and I try to keep it at a minimum, but it still needed to be done. I have to sweep a bit and sit a bit...sweep a bit and sit a bit (the knee thing) I made a point to sit in front of a certain person in hopes of some volunteering to be offered...(yeah spite again) But that seemed to go unnoticed. So I decided to Strategically sit the sweeper in the direct path from the kitchen to the living room. Yet another spite thing. Now I ask you, how many times can you walk by and around a sweeper and NOT, I say NOT use it? I mean how hard can it be to just be nice some days? Just seeing that a sweeper is in your way on your way into the kitchen the first time around should be enough of a hint that some sweeping needs to be done, or if not that, that someone needs a little help?
I just am thinking that after double knee surgery only 2 months ago, a trip this morning to the dentist and a lot of other health issues not named here, would qualify for a little sympathy sweep. Yeah I said sympathy sweep. So shoot me!

Ok now I am getting a little tired...did I say I went to the dentist today? I can only eat soft things for the day and what did I just witness? SOMEONE........ I will not say who...has just taken the last piece of soft zucchini bread. There oughta be a law! I think it was done out of spite!


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