I Took Some Good Advice
The Shankster and I usually don't go out after 5pm....unless its a unscheduled, once in a blue moon, trip to the local Walmart to just escape for a while. But recently a few new supporters I have found, let me know its ok to leave the coop for a while. So I took B up for a Saturday evening dinner....sort of a late birthday present. Normally I would have just said maybe another time when we can go early as I think the Shankster and I are the only ones left on the earth to still eat dinner at or before 5pm. But he called early in the day......so we just decided to go, make it a nite out for just us. We even changed things up a bit and left around 2pm even though we weren't going to eat til 6pm. I told dad we were going in town so he would have to fend for himself for dinner...gee I find myself saying that a lot lately......and the sky didn't come tumbling down either. What's up with that?
Anyhow, we thought we would do a bit of window shopping, as we haven't done that in quite a while and we love to do it. So we visited Best Buy and took a look at their Apple computers, Sam's Club and looked at their touch screen HP computers(among other things)....(The Shankster brought his glasses so electronics were the theme for the nite) Then strolled over to The Guitar Center and had some fun in there. We also got a little Crazy and walked from the restaurant to a Speedy gas station and picked up our weekly lottery tickets..(Yes Ammeg & Poppa I said walked, aren't you proud?) And I say Crazy as we always get our lotto tickets at BP. :) Finally we met, had a great dinner at Logan's Steak House (first time for us) and it was a nice Birthday dinner. Kailyr slept through it all and Corey talked through it all. He kept us all laughing.
On the way home I couldn't help but notice the great view we were going towards with the sun going down and all the lights on the highway....I said to the Shankster this is what it looks like at 8 in the evening to everybody else. We were passing the Airport and I remembered I had my camera. I wanted to get a good view of the sky and the road but out of about 10 pictures this one was the best.I then tried to get a good picture of the airport that will be opening November 12th. But of course it was a lousy shot. I guess I don't quite know how to operate the camera after 5pm? Most were too blurry or too far to actually know what it was. But I got this shot over by the airport runway and was really surprised to see the pic when I uploaded it to my computer. As I am sure these are a bunch of UFOs taking off or maybe landing? So the government or airport security are still trying to keep things under wraps with the UFOs, but me with my trusty camera in hand captured the truth.
The Shankster says this is just what happens when you try to take a pic of runway lights at an airport and street lights in a moving car.Hmmf.......I like my version better.
I Feel Like I Have Won the Lottery!
Thank you Ammeg & Poppa!I have been absent from my blog for some time, due to our first Grand Babies being born within what seemed like a few short weeks apart, a bit of trouble with a good vehicle, stinkin salesman and dealerships, and to visiting with a couple of the best people I know who decided to spend their second trip Overseas with lil ole me and the Shankster. How lucky can one person be? :)
So for 2 weeks I had a sort of mini vacation like last year...(except that I still was home) But I just told dad he had to fend for himself while they were here as there was no way I was going to stop what I was doing while they were here to fix his dinner when he is really still capable of doing it. Besides, these good people came over 9,000 miles to see me...and have a bit of fun too, So I wanted to try to do the best I could with what I had to make sure they would have some fun. Most days we were here to eat dinner but he seemed to be busy on those days with extra golfing tournaments. So it all worked out ok for me. It was a much needed break from a tiring, stressful routine. Even though they came last year...it was only for 9 days then and I was over due for another break!Even though for the past 5 years most days I feel like these are the worst days of my life, I have just spent a couple of weeks with my Earth Angels, and I honestly feel as though I have won the lottery....in so many more ways than one.......and mostly in life lessons.
Without going into too much detail, I want to once again Thank Ammeg & Poppa for what they did for me to make my life so much easier, it is something I would have never expected in my wildest dreams and still feel as though it is all still a dream. It is right up there as one of the best things to happen to me.(sorry guys I can't seem to thank you both enough)
To everyone else reading this....(Take another look at the pic & come to your own conclusions!)(BTW......I am 53 as of yesterday. Yes...Happy Birthday to Me......)We had the best time keeping the roads hot going to Antique Malls, Flea Markets near and far, Shopping at local department stores and eating breakfast, lunch & sometimes dinner out and even grilling in the park with roasted marshmallows and hot dogs. I managed at least a 2 hour hike and came out alive, as we all did from a trek to a Louisville Flea Market that sucked onions and dang near had us all on a TV newscast of Gang-related robberies....(note to self...never trust pictures on an Internet website.....What a nightmare that turned out to be, but lesson learned for next time)
We found a few new things and some old. We found a few new places just around the corner! We made our way to Southern Indiana and even managed a few trips over the line to Illinois and Kentucky. We ate lots of candy and fudge and had some first timers again of Onion Rings, Sausage Egg McMuffins, Cottage Cheese, Zucchini and Picnics.
I will never forget the first time I emailed Ammeg with a question, as it has turned out to be a lasting, long distance friendship of 10 years now, that seems to benefit me in more ways than I can count. I am so glad they finally got to travel and we got to meet for the first time last year. We honestly did not expect to ever see them again............lucky for us.
We hated to see them go as it meant we had to go back to the routine. While they are here we feel as though we have escaped from our duties. Our time seems more valuable, our outlook doesn't seem so bleak, we laugh a lot more, we do things for ourselves a bit more, and all our problems just don't seem to be there whether physical or mental.....But we tried to look at it all a bit different after they left(or as much as one can)
So I am back...I hope to continue to post when I can, or think of it. Hopefully as not so much of a poo poo head! I do appreciate all I have and will not whine so much.
Well I will try......:)