What is a Dinosaur? Well lemme tell ya.
Dinosaur is the ancient huge animal which was used to live on Earth. There were many types of Dinosaurs. But he didn't succeed to live on Earth.
According to Reference.com anyhow.
And then there are many other types of Dinosaurs and one is a
Sauroposeidon. Now I never heard this name until K.B. told me about them, yes it took me a while to understand what he was saying but he did let me know that
they were probably the tallest dinosaur to have ever walked the Earth. They are Huge and very long necked Dinosaurs, with lots of bones K.B. told me.
they were probably the tallest dinosaur to have ever walked the Earth. They are Huge and very long necked Dinosaurs, with lots of bones K.B. told me.
Sauroposeidon lived in the wet and warm landscapes of the late Cretaceous Period about 110 million years ago. According to other areas after an Internet search, that also told me some of the things K.B. told me were in fact, fact.
And needless to say, K.B. just loves them. He can name them all for you as well. I can't remember what I had for breakfast. He is just 4 and for the last 2 years has been telling me all about them and what they can and can't do.
Now just because I just love him so much, I have made him a new blanket every year since he was born, and I am no expert, I just love to sew and try to make things for the boys. So far I have just used my noggin to decide what kind of design to go with, usually pertaining to what toy or movie is popular at that time. This year, however, about in May he asked me what kind of blanket I would be making him next. Much to my surprise, I might add. So, I just asked him what kind he would like, and wouldn't ya know it.........A Dinosaur Blanket.