Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Funny Looking Idiot

Well even though we finally got the window in and ended up having a great day finding a glass figurine of an Elf..."made in Japan", I think I got got more than I bargained for that day.

I awoke last week with a swollen left eye and cheek...not just Friday but each day since. (I mean I feel like I look like Rocky each morning.)
At first I was wondering who it was that had come into my room and sucker punched me during my beauty sleep. But since I have awakened to a swollen eye each day since, I am sure that is not the case (That only happens in movies..right?) especially since after a couple of days on my hands and arms, I started getting the itchy feeling you get when you are sure you have walked by a Poison Ivy plant that just could not resist jumping out onto you and making sure to drive you insane in a matter of hours.
Geez, Not again. Not now in the heat. Why do I do this? The Shankster said to me several times don't pull that are getting too close to those weeds you know you will get poison ivy...but could I listen to him? NO. Such a stubborn fool I am. I was sure that since I had the long sleeves on and the gloves that I was protected. I was sure that even though I had the gloves on and after I was done I washed thoroughly with antibiotic soap, just like the doc told me to do if I ever got around it again, that I was safe. Again what a fool. In a mad rush to make sure to get the work done that day I foolishly put on a left handed glove that had holes in it in the two middle fingers. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Where is the poison ivy the worst at, you ask? Those fingers. it ever bad there. But of course when I get it I get it all over and it has progressed as usual everywhere.

Now I am still not for sure what the deal is with my eye as it doesn't itch, so the doc was sure that was not poison ivy......but I am kind of wondering if it is possible that The Shankster might be doing the sucker punching each know like that is his way of telling me......"I told you so!" :)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Baby K

Of course...I cannot resist.

And, How do you like the booties? They are 32 years old. They were B's when he was a baby. You can hardly tell it here, but they are corduroy, I still just love them. While mommy and daddy were gone, of course Grand Nana D had to try them on Baby K!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Little Elf Made My Day

Two weeks is too long without a post. But I think I have just not had the time to sit and write. Too many things have happened that I have never gotten around to write about so after a long day today I am going to do just that...sit and write.

Ok, I guess I will boil it all down and make one quick post of what has been happening of late that I never got around to here goes.

I sewed my middle finger into the quilt I was making for Baby K on the sewing machine.
I singed the hair off my eyebrows/eyelashes and nostrils...and they are nowhere near growing back...please somebody tell me they will?
I had to get an injection in my arm for my shoulder and my arm was limp for about 5 hours...very weird feeling.
We finally got to get an Air Conditioner, but within the course of about 6 days took it back 4 times, got screwed by Lowe's, instead of getting my cash back got a stupid in store gift card, stood 2 hours giving them dirty looks, wrote a nasty letter complaining, finally got my way along with my cash back and an apology. And a nice cool AC that actually works great.
I finally got to tell the son's ex to leave him alone......(well, I got the Shankster to do it! :) It made me feel better.

Which brings me to today. Mom this one is for you. After too many years dad has finally gotten a new window for the basement. You would surely love it. It took all day yesterday and most of this morning to finish but its in and its nice.

Now if that weren't all....we decided to rid the yard of the ivy that has taken over the lawn and house for too long. This is a job for Super Gardener Man. But of course he is not in our neck of the woods so we are taking on this impossible job ourselves. If taking up the ivy wasn't enough of a job there is 30 plus years of pine needles under it all as well. Now as I had just about had all I could take for the day, the Shankster uncovered (under what I would call Pine needle muck mulch) a truly gem of a find. All in one piece, no cracks or chips. I think it's an Elf?

My dad and the Shankster are thinking of how old this must be and how much it might be worth, but all I could think of when I saw it was my Aunt Lissie. It just reassured me of why I used to love this old place. It was because of her. I had been telling the Shankster for years how she used to roll down the hill with me over and over again, every time I was here. Rain/Shine or Snow. It didn't matter she would always roll/slide down that hill with me. And how we sat on this step by the well and how there was a walkway over to the well. But you couldn't tell it for all the ivy. Today we uncovered the step and the walkway. My dad didn't even know it was there. I guess that also says how much time I spent here when I was younger.

So finding this little treasure today was fun. It actually made my day.