Tuesday, March 09, 2010

One of Those Days....

Just when you think you are going to have a great day, something comes down and wallops you right in the head. Or at least that is what happened to us today.
While taking a walk, we decided what a nice day to just forget all the things we Need to do and go fishing. So that is what we did. We even wrote Homie a note saying we were taking the day off and going fishing and left him some chili for dinner. That is the last time I take a day off to do something for me.

Not even 15 minutes from the house as we were merging into a turn where you don't have to stop, the car in front of us stopped and so did we. He then went to drive on, and so did we, only to have him slam on his brakes and we just didn't have enough time to stop.....without hitting him of course. His car/truck had a spare tire on the back and while that is what our car mostly hit, it didn't do much damage to his, but messed ours up something awful. Well we think its awful cause its still new to us and we just love it for so many reasons. The hood is a goner, along with the grille & both fenders as they were shoved up into the front doors which misaligned them. The bumper needs replaced as well as both headlights.

Of course this is the first for the Shankster and although we weren't for sure what all to do, as luck would have it my camera was inside my car and I took pics of the other car as well. I gave them my info and we got some of their info but right off knew something was up as they didn't want to call any body and wanted to keep it "between us". They said they didn't need their vehicle fixed and as they put it were only interested in getting our car fixed and making sure we were ok cause we were elderly. Yeah you heard me they called us elderly.

WHAT? ELDERLY? What the heck? I am only 54. I might be old, ugly and somewhat fat, but I am NOT ELDERLY. I was like ok kick us while we are down dude.
But I guess we are stupid, as all the info we got from them was fake. Leave it to us to not ask for their drivers license to physically look at it and only rely on them writing stuff on a paper....Go figure.

Oh well waddya expect from a couple of elderly folks?

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Wow, Twice in One Week!

Shankster did it again and surprised me with lunch today. Nothing special but he knows I am sort of a big fan of the China Buffet Restaurants as I used to take my mom there every time I came up to see her. Guess he knew she has been on my mind lately, and he thought maybe I might need to just go to this particular one for a change, or maybe just a memory. Actually I didn't even know we were going for lunch. So a nice surprise for me. Not so much for him as he isn't such a fan, but what a nice thing to do for somebody. Wonder what I did to deserve this?

Better go fix him something to eat now.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Great Day

Just needed to take a minute to say what I great Hubby I have. The Shankster took me to Shapiro's for lunch. Quite a surprise as I haven't been there since living here...so at least 7 years, and it was delicious. I just love the Pastrami Sandwich with pickles.

But the second best part was that I got to eat while sitting just a couple of chairs away from Rupert from Survivor!! :)
Ok maybe not exciting for some, but it was for me.

And no I didn't get a picture as I didn't have my camera, and no I didn't get to talk to him and tell him I hope he was the big winner this season, as I am a Big Ole Fraidy Cat and just decided to look at him several times. But... we did exchange Smiles! And he has a wonderful one.

So I feel like I know him personally.....

I also thought he was also a lot more handsome in person. :)